Built on two acres in the Renton Highlands, Sunset Court features a large central commons and four residential buildings highlighted with distinctive asymmetrical roofs. The housing community has 50 affordable apartment homes connected by pathways and a playground sheltered under two large conifer trees. The wood frame two- and three-story structures have 10 three-bedroom townhouse units and 40 flats configured with one- two- and three-bedrooms, all designed to have a kitchen window view of the playground area. Total building area is 50,103 square feet. There are 50 resident parking places, a bike shelter and trash enclosure on site. The site features planting boxes for residents and an edible landscape of plum and walnut trees, grapes, berries and herbs throughout the grounds.

Categories: Housing, Affordable

Sustainability Notes

The project is designed and built to the Evergreen Sustainable Development Standards 3.0 for Washington State.