Pleasant Avenue Veterans Housing Grand Opening

It is with deep respect and our great honor that we announce the Grand Opening of the Clayton Mohr Commons Veterans Housing to provide 24-units of housing serving chronically homeless and severely low-income veterans and their families in Oregon City. Congratulations to Northwest Housing Alternatives and the Housing Authority of Clackamas County (HACC) on the success of this exceptional community-building project designed by Kasa Architects.

The WALSH Team of Jay NeesBrandi Pine, Bryan Ware and Caitlin B. Kelley are thrilled with the results of this community-centered project! Pleasant Avenue was successfully designed and constructed using cost efficient design and construction (CEDC) methods developed by our teams at WALSH and spearheaded by our Director of Innovation Mike Steffen.

Located in the heart of Oregon City, directly between HACC and Clackamas County Veteran Services offices, this comfortable and durable home is near resources for veterans and their families including community amenities like transit, grocery stores and health care providers.

As the primary veteran services source for Clackamas County, HACC is uniquely positioned and equipped to ensure residents are provided the best opportunity to succeed and remain comfortable and healthy in housing.