Beautiful Mural on the Gardner House and Allen Family Center

We feel so fortunate to have been the builder on this project! “When Tacoma public artist Kenji Hamai Stoll began sketching out the design of the mural that would adorn the exterior of the Gardner House and Allen Family Center, he knew it needed to be more than a beautiful piece of art. It needed to connect with the surrounding community.

It’s this belief of community connection that’s driven his work in the public art space, and the Gardner House and Allen Family Center for Vulcan Inc. – which helps provide housing and resources for families experiencing homelessness in King County – presented an exciting opportunity to continue making those connections through art.

“When you think about public art, it’s a reflection and a conversation that an artist is having with the community,” said Stoll over a Zoom interview. “When a community is not involved or thought of or incorporated in a meaningful way, it’s really just a one-way conversation.”

Link to the article.

#walshbuildscommunity #communityart #endhomelessness #northwestoriginalwalsh #buildingcommunityempoweringpeople