We are deeply saddened by the recent passing of Tom Walsh

We are deeply saddened by the recent passing of Tom Walsh, a co-founder of our company with his brother Bob Walsh in 1961. Tom was, and still is, a crucial component of our collective success and our foundational commitment to the community and in improving the lives of others.

Tom left Walsh Construction Co. in 1990 to continue his work on what would become another 32 years of service to the community — building the Westside Light Rail for Trimet as well as affordable housing projects in the community with his sons Tom and Ben Walsh.

He was so very proud of this company he helped build and the fact that we have stayed true to our values and mission. He remained fiercely committed to excellence and the values that guide our company are identical to how he lived his life.

Tom will be greatly missed but he will always be present in our thoughts. Our intention is to keep his memory alive by continuing our strive towards excellence. Every nail we pound is a reflection on his commitment to doing things right. We will miss him.